
Quick Links and Phone Numbers

ITDR Retiree Service Center

For questions about your eligibility, enrollment, premium payment, to update your personal information, or to enroll  make coverage changes over the phone:

Call Us: (877) 325-7265
(7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST, M-F)

Contact Form: Secure Contact Form
(response within 48 hours, weekdays)

Write Us:
Insurance Trust for Delta Retirees Service Center
P.O. Box 14464
Des Moines, IA 50306-3464

How to access Your Account:  My Account Brochure

Trust Email Profile Center:
Change your email address or unsubscribe from future emails.

Personal Health Advocate

Reach an enrollment advocate, administrative professional, or registered nurse for help with understanding ITDR’s benefits, Medicare, enrollment, or support with all things health or claims-related.

Call (877) 325-7265, 24/7

Register online to access all Health Advocate has to offer:

Enrollment Advocate Callback
Schedule a call with an ITDR Enrollment Advocate

Insurance companies and Other Assistance

Quick Links and Phone Numbers